Design Engineering

Let’s Start Working

Feel free to contact us for more information about this service


Full Product Design Support
AMS offer a full product development and design service from industrial design concepts to mass fabrication.
Manufacturing Consulting

Let us help you find top quality suppliers for your product. We can help reduce cost, increase quality, simplify your supply chain and more.

Structural Analysis (FEA)
AMS can perform full structural analysis of parts and structures. Including loading stress, structural stiffness, fatigue, vibration, impact resistance, thermal analyses and more.
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Analysis (DFM/A)

AMS can optimize your product for manufacturing and assembly, ensuring reduced costs while increasing quality and product consistency.

Prototype Design and Fabrication
Not ready to invest in the development process? AMS can design and fabricate quick turn, high quality prototypes of your idea. Perfect for product demonstrations and one off installations.
Reverse Engineering and Part Inspection
AMS offers state of the art reverse engineering and part inspection services. Including 3D scanning and CMM inspection. Don’t have CAD or manufacturing drawings for a part/assembly? No problem, let us make them for you.

Our Development Process

Understand Phase Icon
Plan Phase Icon
Design Phase Icon
Develop Phase Icon
Implement Phase Icon
Evaluate Phase Icon
Phase 1:
Phase 1: Understand

The first and foundational step in our process involves a deep dive into understanding the specific needs and requirements of our clients. This stage is critical for establishing a clear, comprehensive brief that outlines the project's objectives, constraints, and criteria for success. Our team at AMS collaborates closely with clients to gather all necessary information, ensuring that every aspect of the project is meticulously defined. This thorough understanding serves as the bedrock upon which all subsequent design and engineering decisions are made, guaranteeing solutions that are not only innovative but also perfectly aligned with our clients' goals.

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Phase 2: Concept Generation

Following the clear definition of requirements, our team transitions into the concept generation phase. Here, creativity meets engineering prowess as we brainstorm a wide range of solutions. Leveraging our expertise in various engineering disciplines, we explore multiple ideas, considering different approaches and technologies that could be used to meet the project's objectives. This stage is characterized by open-mindedness and innovation, with the aim of producing a diverse set of concepts that can be evaluated for feasibility, performance, and impact. It's a collaborative and dynamic process that taps into the collective knowledge and creativity of our team to pave the way for groundbreaking solutions.

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Phase 3: Down Select

Once a broad spectrum of concepts has been developed, the down select phase focuses on evaluating these ideas against the project's defined requirements and constraints. This critical analysis involves rigorous assessment criteria, including technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and sustainability, among others. The goal is to narrow down the options to the most promising concepts that offer the best balance of innovation, practicality, and potential for success. This stage ensures that resources are concentrated on developing solutions with the highest likelihood of meeting and exceeding our clients' expectations.

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Phase 4: Prototype

With the most viable concepts selected, the next step is to bring these ideas to life through prototyping. This phase is all about translating theoretical designs into tangible models that can be tested and evaluated. Prototyping is crucial for identifying any design flaws, assessing the functionality of the product, and gathering feedback for further refinement. It allows for a hands-on approach to problem-solving and innovation, enabling our team at AMS to iterate quickly and efficiently. By the end of this stage, we have a working prototype that demonstrates the feasibility and potential of the proposed solution.

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Phase 5: Refine

Following prototyping, the refinement phase focuses on optimizing the design based on feedback and test results. This stage involves making adjustments to improve performance, enhance user experience, reduce costs, or address any other identified issues. Our team works meticulously to fine-tune every aspect of the product, ensuring that it not only meets but surpasses the initial requirements. This process of continuous improvement is guided by a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of engineering principles, ensuring that the final design is robust, efficient, and ready for manufacturing.

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Phase 6: Manufacturing

The final step in our process is the transition from refined prototypes to full-scale production. This phase is where our engineering solutions are realized as tangible products, ready for the market. Our manufacturing process is characterized by a strict adherence to quality standards, efficiency, and scalability. We work closely with trusted manufacturing partners to ensure that each product is produced to our exact specifications, using the most suitable materials and technologies. Throughout this stage, we maintain a focus on sustainability and cost-effectiveness, ensuring that our solutions are not only innovative but also accessible and responsible.

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